Rationale/Brief Description of the Proposal
is a Catholic diocesan educational institution operating under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Bishop of San Carlos, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental duly existing and registered under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, address at Sitio Agbulod, Barangay Prosperidad, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental represented herein by its school president of the Diocesan Schools of San Carlos, the Bishop, MOST REV. GERARDO A. ALMINAZA, D.D.
We, the OLPMSI Community, salute your magnanimity to the several mission dioceses; and we steadfastly believe that you evangelize the Church by also giving financial support to missionary activities, addressing current pastoral needs, that strengthen and extend the presence of the Catholic Church globally.
Construction of a Covered Court

2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
PROPONENTS: Sr. Maricel Teresa S. Dela Cruz, Carm. O.L., LPT, MAED, Ph.D (School Principal), Sr. Florenda Loren R. Intruzo, Carm. O.L., MAED (Administrative & Finance Officer) CONTACT NUMBERS: 09175657995/ 09688859327, SOURCE OF FUND: School Fund, BUDGET TARGET AMOUNT: Php 4,200,000.00.
The school caters to Junior High School and Senior High School who are belonged to the poorest of the poor in the particular area and leading secondary schools in the Division of San Carlos City since 2002. Today, it has a population of 647 students and 27 teachers and 04 non-teaching staff. The school has won awards in both academic and non-academic contests. However, it has no facility to hold big events such as sports, general assemblies, and other academic and social functions.

Needless to say, the school is in need of a Multi-Purpose Activity Center or Covered Court to serve not only its students and teachers but also the community. This place will provide students a venue to gather and perform various school and extra-curricular activities with protection from the heat of the sun and heavy rains. This can also serve as an evacuation center for residents during unexpected calamities.
- To provide students & staff, with a safe place for outdoor school activities
- To raise student’s morale and motivation through active participation in sports

A covered court is therefore an indispensable facility for every school. Unfortunately, with so many other maintenance expenses hanging overhead, many schools like ours cannot afford to build one.

In addition, students these days are too bogged down with the stresses of everyday life. Going to the covered court breaks up a trying day and teaches students that a little physical activity can be a great way to let go and de-stress. Studies have shown that a student who stays active physically will be more alert and attentive in the classroom. This covered court can therefore be a place of fun and interactive learning that will simulate a growing child’ mind in many ways and thereby improve student’s performance.
Purchase a Vehicle

We sincerely request that you also extend your generosity to us OLPMSI who have few resources of our own and that you will kindly consider our indispensable request.
To effectively and efficiently facilitate our social and evangelical missionary work, we are then humbly begging for your generous financial support as we propose to purchase a vehicle (GL GRANDIA 2.8 Diesel A/T). The proposed vehicle will be utilized in the areas of program and service delivery to the immediate campus area, as well as, to other diocesan schools.
The proposed new vehicle will definitely help our different activities going and will be used by the teachers, staff, personnel, and student development officers for high school visits and recruiting sessions and for OLPMSI Summer Crew, both locally and within the region. Savings in travel costs will be so significant.
It also provides a means of transporting our students on field trips, facilitators, mission collaborators, annual retreats & recollections, seminars, summer camps, Marian Camps, Vocation Promotion, career guidance programs, extension programs, feedings, leadership training, school campaigns, including teacher’s faculty development programs.
Staff & personnel will use the proposed vehicle for attending meetings and other work-related activities in the local area and region where feasible. It will also facilitate day-to-day activities such as bank, BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue), SEC (Security Exchange Commission) transactions, and mail pickups, therefore reducing the need for use of public vehicles during work hours.
The proposed vehicle will promote flexibility and visibility in communities and regions. It will also cater to some of our teachers who visit students and families, particularly the below average, non-reader, sick, broken families, the abused, and the housebound, sharing with those families the holy Word of God and helping them in their moral and spiritual formation. Your noble help is highly admired and will be greatly appreciated.